Blockchain for Value Chain Inclusion: AgUnity’s Impact
from We Back Agripreneurs
If Africa is going to be successful in realising the agriculture opportunity. It is absolutely critical that small scale and subsistence farmers are included in large value chains. This week I speak with David Davies, the founder of AgUnity, who will talk about how the simple act of recording transactions, can enable marginalised communities to access resources and become part of the global agriFood ecosystem.
AgUnity is a multiaward winning, philanthropic venture that applies blockchain and smartphone technology to improve the lives of small farmer cooperatives in developing countries. They do this by enabling last mile delivery of services, and more specifically financial services to marginalised subsistence farming communities.
David talks about how the AgUnity platform efficiently reduces the friction of distribution to remote communities for development organisations, global food buyers and financial institutions while at the same time creating an environment of trust for farmers, which has improved their incomes by up to 3 times.
Enjoy this week's episode.
To get in touch with David, you can find him on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/daviesdavid/, or you can visit the Agunity website on https://www.agunity.com/.
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